Wednesday, February 18, 2015

स्वाइन फ्लू से जुड़ी महत्वपूर्ण बातें जो आपको जरूर मालूम होनी चाहिये

सीधे मौत के दरवाजे पर लाकर खड़ा कर देने वाला स्वाइन फ्लू फिर से वापस आ गया है। देश के सभी राज्यों से स्वाइन फ्लू से बीमार होने के मामले तेजी से आ रहे हैं यही नहीं फ्लू में मौजूद एच1एन1 वायरस से होने वाली मौतों में भी इजाफा हो रहा है। तो ऐसे में हम आपको सावधान करने जा रहे हैं। क्योंकि अगर आप लोगों के साथ उठ-बैठ रहे हैं, बस, ट्रेन, आदि में सफर कर रहे हैं, अगर आपके बच्चे स्कूल जा रहे हैं, तो आप या परिवार के सदस्य इस वायरस की चपेट में आसानी से आ सकते हैं। स्वाइन फ्लू से जुड़ी बातें जो आपको जरूर मालूम होनी चाहिये

क्या है स्वाइन फ्लू? स्वाइन इंफ्लुएंज़ा, इसे पिग इंफ्लुएंज़ा, स्वाइन फ्लू, होग फ्लू, पिग फ्लू या एच1एन1 वायरस भी कहा जाता है। यह तमाम प्रकार के स्वाइन इंफ्लुएंज़ा वायरसों में से किसी भी एक वायरस से फैल सकता है। इंसानों को होने वाले सामान्य फ्लू वायरस या बर्ड फ्लू के वायरस की चपेट में जब सुअर आता है, तब सुअर के शरीर के अंदर एच1एन1 वायरस का जन्म होता है। जब उस बीमार सुअर की चपेट में कोई इंसान आता है, तब उसे स्वाइन फ्लू हो जाता है। और फिर जब उस बीमार व्यक्त‍ि का इलाज अगर सही से नहीं हुआ और उसके संपर्क में अन्य लोग आये, तो उन लोगों तक भी यह वायरस फैल जाता है। यह वायर बहुत तेज गति से फैलता है। 
2009 में एच1एन1 पूरी दुनिया में फैला था, तब विश्व स्वास्थ्य संगठन ने इसे महामारी घोष‍ित किया था। [कहीं मौत तो कहीं पैसा बांट रहा स्वाइन फ्लू] कैसे फैलता है यह वायरस? जैसा कि हमने ऊपर बताया कि यह वायरस सुअर से आता है। अगर आप यह सोच रहे हैं कि आप तो कभी सुअर के करीब तक नहीं जाते इसलिये आप सुरक्ष‍ित हैं, तो आप गलत हैं। क्योंकि यह वायरस अब इंसानों में फैल चुका है। 

भारत में अध‍िकांश लोग बुखार आने के तीन दिन तक इंतजार करते हैं। यह देखते हैं कि साधारण पैरासिटामोल से बुखार उतर रहा है या नहीं, उसके बाद कोई एंटीबायोटिक दवा ले लेते हैं, वो भी डॉक्टर से बिना सलाह लिये। ऐसे लोग बीमारी की हालत में भी अपने परिवार के बेहद करीब रहते हैं, क्योंकि उन्हें पता नहीं होता है कि उन्हें साधारण फ्लू है या स्वाइन फ्लू। और अगर दुर्भायवश स्वाइन फ्लू है और वो उसी बस में यात्रा कर रहे हैं, जिसमें आप सवार हैं, तो आप तक उस वायरस के पहुंचने की प्रबलता बहुत ज्यादा है।

Read more at:

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Is eating rice healthy?

Is eating rice healthy?

By Kriti Saraswat | – 20 hours ago

Rice has is a staple food item in Indian cuisine. However, many of you choose to avoid rice thinking that it will add kilos to your waist. There have been conflicting views about rice because of its high starch content but is it all that bad? Let us discuss and address some of the common queries about rice that most people are concerned about.
What is rice made of?
To make up your mind about anything, you first need to know the basics of it as blindly following a fad won’t do you and your body any good. Rice is a cereal grain and is a staple food for nearly half of the population of the world. There are different varieties of rice like – brown, red, black, white and purple rice and all differ in their nutrition content. White rice is rich in complex carbohydrates like starch and does not provide complete nutrition. Hence, one needs to complement rice with something else in order to provide adequate nutrition to the body. You may also want to know thecalorie count of rice.
Why do we eat rice when we are sick?
A common practice in many Indian homes is to offer a meal of rice and dal, curd rice or khichdi to anyone who falls sick. The prime reason this is done is because rice is easy to digest and light. It can be broken down easily by our bodies and provides instant energy. This way, the sick person can feel full and not worry about indigestion. But one thing to note is that though it makes you feel full, it raises the blood sugar levels in the body and once it is digested, it also makes the person hungrier quickly.
How many times in a week should one eat rice?
Expert nutritionist Neha Chandna opines that one can eat rice every day depending on one’s weight and weight loss goals. In case you are on a weight loss diet, you can have rice two times a week making sure you have a plate of salad along with it to make up for the lack of fibre in white rice. If you are on a weight gain diet, you can have rice daily with some boiled potato/ sweet potato salad.
When is the right time to eat rice – lunch or dinner? Why?
‘I suggest my clients to keep rice as an option for lunch as your metabolism is higher during lunch than dinner helping you use up the carbohydrates from rice for energy which might not be the case during dinner as it may get stored as fats,’ says Neha. Also, read if it is healthy to eat rice for lunch and dinner.
Is brown rice better than white rice? 
Brown rice is higher in nutrients like vitamin B and fibre than polished white rice. It also helps you feel fuller for a longer time preventing overeating, hunger pangs and weight gain. It is a boon for rice lovers who are on a weight loss programme. Brown rice is also good for diabetics due to its high fibre content. Here are 6 reasons why brown rice is better for you. Also, try this healthy brown rice methi pulao.
It is essential to understand that white rice does have its own set of benefits and eating it or not depends on one’s body. Highly overweight people should avoid it or keep it the portion size to a minimum. Always remember the golden rule to eating healthy is to have a balanced meal at the right time.

Friday, January 30, 2015

`80%-90% essential drugs being imported from China'

Jan 28 2015 : The Times of India (Delhi)
`80%-90% essential drugs being imported from China'

Chethan Kumar, Bengaluru:

If Prime Minister Narendra Modi's `Make in India' mantra has to be implemented in some sector first, it has to be in the pharma industry. The reason-in the past four financial years, India has imported from China bulk drugs and active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) worth about Rs 38,186 crore.Most of these have gone into making essential drugs.In November TOI had reported that national security adviser Ajit Doval had warned the government about overdependence on China.

If submissions to the government by the department of pharmaceuticals are any indication, there is signifi cant dependence on imports in the case of 12 essential drugs. “Approximately 8090% of these (essential drugs) imports are from China,“ the department has said.“The decision is based on economic considerations.“

The 12 drugs are-paracetamol, metformin, ranitidine, amoxicillin, ciprofloxacin, cefixime, acetyl salicylic acid, ascorbic acid, ofloxacin, ibuprofen, metronidazole and ampicillin. Eight of these are on WHO's Model List of Essential Medicines.

Documents of the department of pharmaceuticals show there has been a consistent growth in the import of drugs and APIs from China.In 2011-12, Rs 8,798 crore worth of bulk drugs and APIs were imported from China.The corresponding figure was Rs 11,000 crore in 2012-13, Rs 11,865 crore in 2013-14 and Rs 6,521 crore during AprilSeptember in 2014-15.
“China out-prices India when it comes to APIs and bulk drugs,“ Sudhansh Pant, joint secretary , department of pharmaceuticals, told TOI from Delhi.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Year To All My Dearest Friends and Followers

When u r lonely,
wish u Love!
When u r down,
I wish u Joy!
When u r troubled,
I wish u Peace!
When things seem empty,
wish u Hope!
And I wish U Too..
Have A Happy New Year 2015 !!!

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

क्लिनिकल ट्रायल में नुकसान पर 66 लाख तक मुआवजा

क्लिनिकल ट्रायल में नुकसान पर 66 लाख तक मुआवजा

प्रतीकात्मक तस्वीर
प्रतीकात्मक तस्वीर
फोटो शेयर करें
सोमा दास, नई दिल्ली
दवाओं के क्लिनिकल ट्रायल के चलते जो वॉलंटिअर सामान्य जिंदगी जीने लायक नहीं रह जाते हैं, उनको फार्मा कंपनियों से 1.8 लाख से 66 लाख रुपये तक का मुआवजा मिल सकता है। दरअसल सरकार ने क्लिनिकल ट्रायल के दौरान वॉलंटियर को गैर जानलेवा नुकसान के मुआवजे के लिए एक फॉर्म्युला तैयार किया है।

मुआवजे की रकम उनकी उम्र, हेल्थ रिस्क प्रोफाइल और अक्षमता के लेवल के हिसाब से तय होगी। कुछ समय पहले सरकार ने एक फॉर्म्युले के आधार पर क्लिनिकल ट्रायल के दौरान वॉलंटिअर की मौत होने पर मुआवजा देना शुरू किया था, जिसमें उसकी उम्र और हेल्थ प्रोफाइल को ध्यान में रखा जाता है।

आधिकारिक आंकड़ों के मुताबिक, इस साल अब तक मुआवजे के ऐसे 21 मामले सेटल हुए हैं जिसमें पीड़ित के परिजनों को 2 लाख से 34 लाख रुपये तक दिए गए हैं। अफसरों ने इकनॉमिक टाइम्स को बताया कि साल की शुरुआत में हेल्थ मिनिस्ट्री के बनाए एक एक्सपर्ट ग्रुप ने कहा था कि सेहत को सबसे ज्यादा नुकसान वॉलंटिअर की मौत के रूप में हो सकता है। इसलिए किसी के अक्षम होने पर मिलने वाला मुआवजा, उसकी मौत पर मिलने वाले मुआवजे से कम होना चाहिए।

पूरी तरह हमेशा के लिए सामान्य जीवन जीने में अक्षम होने पर मुआवजे की रकम मौत पर मिलने वाले मुआवजे का 90 पर्सेंट हो सकती है। अक्षमता के लेवल के हिसाब से यह रकम घट सकती है। ये कदम हेल्थ ऐक्टिविस्ट्स की ये चिंताएं दूर करने के लिए शुरू किए गए सरकारी अभियान का हिस्सा हैं कि फार्मा कंपनियां उन मामलों में क्लिनिकल ट्रायल के लिए वॉलंटिअर को मुआवजा नहीं देती हैं जिनमें उनको शारीरिक नुकसान होता है।

मल्टिनैशनल कंपनियों की प्रायोगिक दवाओं के परीक्षण के लिए जिन मरीजों के नाम दिए गए थे, उनमें कम-से-कम 510 जनवरी 2005 से अब तक दवाओं से बुरी तरह प्रभावित हुए हैं लेकिन इनमें से किसी को मुआवजा नहीं दिया गया है। यह बात ड्रग रेग्युलेटरी एक्सपर्ट सी एम गुलाटी ने सुप्रीम कोर्ट में हेल्थ मिनिस्ट्री की तरफ से इस साल अप्रैल में जमा किए गए डेटा के हवाले से कही है। सुप्रीम कोर्ट अभी इस मामले में जनहित याचिका पर सुनवाई कर रही है।

ग्लोबल कॉन्ट्रैक्ट रिसर्च ऑर्गनाइजेशन किंटेलेस की इंडियन यूनिट के फॉर्मर चीफ मेडिकल ऑफिसर एस मुखर्जी बताते हैं कि यह तय करना लगभग नामुमकिन है कि वॉलंटिअर का हाल क्लिनिकल ट्रायल की वजह से बेहाल हुआ है या नहीं? उन्होंने कहा, 'इन्हीं सब बुनियादी दिक्कतों के चलते कहीं भी क्लिनिकल ट्रायल्स के लिए तब तक मुआवजा नहीं दिया जाता है जब कि इसमें स्पॉन्सर की तरफ से रूल तोड़े जाने की बात सामने नहीं आती हो।'

इकनॉमिक टाइम्स के मोटे अनुमान के मुताबिक, अगर ट्रायल में शामिल किसी शख्स के बच्चे को जन्म से कोई बीमारी होती है तो नए मेथड के हिसाब से उस परिवार को मुआवजे के तौर पर हर महीने 4300 रुपये मिल सकते हैं।

Monday, December 22, 2014

FREE MEDICAL BOOK AT MEDICALSTUDENT.COM A digital library of authoritative medical education information for the medical student and all students of medicine


"The student begins with the patient, continues with the patient, and ends his studies with the patient, using books and lectures as tools, as means to an end." -- Sir William Osler, Aequanimitas, 1905

The esteemed physician Sir William Osler felt that learning was an apprenticeship, and that medical apprentice learners needed convenient access to authoritative information to aid them in their studies. is a digital library of authoritative medical education information designed to help all students of medicine. The goal of is to provide a starting point for entry into medical places of enlightenment, entertainment and education on the Internet. identifies authoritative medical World-Wide Web sites that can teach, illuminate, and inspire. In essence, is meant to serve as a "pico portal" for users interested in quality medical resources on the Internet. Feel free to bookmark and / or link to uses the following criteria for World-Wide Web site selection: 1) The site is selected by a process of peer review by accreditation, because accreditation models are designed for works that change over time. To become accredited, a site must clearly display four core quality standards: a. Authorship, including the author's name, affiliation, and credentials. b. Attribution of facts through the listing of references. c. Disclosure of site ownership and sponsorship. d. Currency of the site by listing dates of content posting and updating. 2) The site must be free to use, in part or in whole. 3) The site's information must be primarily in Hypertext Markup Language format (HTML) so that it can be read by users with the lowest common denominator World-Wide Web browser



SurNamaskar sabhi logo ko daily karna chahiye, isase aapki body aur mind dono relex feel karte hai aur aap pure din prashsn rahte hai.Sur Namaskar me hamre sharir ke sabhi ango ki excersice ho jati hai aur aap ka sharir furtila banta hai aalashya nahi rahta. Yadi koi person apane dainik jiwan me ye karta hai tu us person ko koi rog nahi lag sakta aur hamesha energetic rahega.


Surya Namaskar : Is aasan me kul 6 chakra (round) hote hai avam baki 6 round reverse hote hai aur kul 12 chakkro me complete hota ha.

1. Pranamasan 2. Hasth utan 3. Paadhasthaasan 4. Ashv sanchalan 5. Parvat aasan 6. Ashtaang Namaskar. ab inhi aasano ko reverse me karna hai. 7. Sharpaasan 8. Parvat aasan 9. Ashv sanchalan 10. Paadhasthaasan 11. Hasth uttan aasan 12. Pranamaasan.

Surya Namaskar karne se whole body ki exercise hoti hai. Aap sabhi se vinarm anuroodh hai ki sabhi log per day morning 5.30 se 6.30 ke beech 6 round aasan jaroor kare, jisase aapki body flexible and mind relax feel karega.


Dhyan rahe aasan karne ke pahale aap man Se sabhi bure vicharo ka tyag kare avam ye soche ki aapke undar subichar aa rahe hai aur aap us parmpita parmesher ko samarpit hai. Jis sthan me aap yog kare wo place clean hona chahiye. Tatpaschat aap aasan suru kare to aati uttam hoga, Asan aram porvak kare jyada takat na lagay ashani se kare.Aasan karne me yadi koi dikkat ho to aap mere yog kendra me aakar nishulk training le sakete hai.

                                                                                                              Anoop Bajpai
Yog avam Dhyan Kendra, 
Badshapur, Gurgaon. 8882916065. or

Monday, December 15, 2014

The People’s Archive of Rural India goes fully live on 20th December 2014

The People’s Archive of Rural India goes fully live on 20th December 2014

The People's Archive of Rural India (PARI) is the newest platform on rural India combining audio, video, still photo, text online featuring the work of scores of journalists, photographers, filmmakers and others

The People’s Archive of Rural India (PARI) is the newest platform on rural India combining audio, video, still photo, text online featuring the work of scores of journalists, photographers, filmmakers and others
PARI - People's Archive of Rural IndiaPARI - People's Archive of Rural India

People’s Archive of Rural India is not-for-profit, free to view and all the contributors – journalists, writers, film-makers, editors, translators, techies, lawyers and accountants – are volunteers. It will be licensed under creative commons (version 4.0) which means the contents can be shared by others, as long as it is non-commercial. (The PARI website too is developed free of charge, by a global software company ThoughtWorks, at Ascendas tech park, Chennai.)
The website hopes to grow by public participation. Anybody can send us pictures, text articles, photo stories, films – as long as it fits our mandate – ‘the everyday life of everyday people’. Content on the site will be curated to ensure the maintenance of high standards. PARI hopes to function on crowd-funding. It will not be dependent on direct corporate or government funding.
You can read up more about the website here:
PARI will be an important educational tool, and you can find out more about that here:

Free Indian Medical Journals

From 1986 to 31st March 2009, National Informatics Centre (NIC) and Indian Council of Medical 

Research (ICMR) had collaborated to setup ICMR-NIC Centre for Biomedical Information. The Centre, 

known as Indian Medlars Centre, provided information support services to medical research community. It 

also produced two important resources:
  • A bibliographic database - IndMED - by indexing about 100 Indian medical journals.
  • A portal - medIND - providing free full text access to 62 Indian medical journals.
For continuing the maintaining, updating and improvising these two important national resources, ICMR funded a new project (National Databases of Indian Medical Journals) in 2010.


Research methodology requires literature survey related to the research problem being investigated. Bibliographical databases, also known as indexing and abstracting services - are the first-line tools used by researchers for literature survey. Medical Researchers normally start with searching internal indexing services like PubMed. PubMed is a well known indexing service of Medical Journals produced by US National Library of Medicine. It comprises more than 20 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Although it is the best known tool for conducting literature survey for medical research, researcher often supplement their search results with similar regional and national databases. IndMED aims to supplement the literature surveys with Indian references. Moreover, it would be of immense use for researchers on diseases and medical problems more prevalent in India than in other developed countries.
IndMED started indexing journals from 1985 onwards. Journals are selected for indexing after a comprehensive review a selection committee from time to time. Selected journals are also reviewed periodically.


Indian medical community produce half the articles published from the third world yet only two percent of the papers get noticed by international medical community. Poorly developed Indian medical journal publishing industry is also responsible for the poor visibility of research published from Indian. Most journals are society journals. They seldom have overseas subscription agents for distributing journals. This results in very poor circulation of Indian journals overseas. However, omnipresent Internet has provided an opportunity to Indian Medical Journals to over this handicap. It has been shown time and again that better online exposure leads to appreciation and citations to articles. MedIND aims to provide online exposure to those indexed Indian medical journals willing to provide free full text access to there articles

5 ways to improve your memory

5 ways to improve your memory

by ABC Health and Wellbeing
Losing keys, forgetting names and not remembering important information for work or study? For most of us, memory lapses aren't a sign of a serious illness but they are nonetheless frustrating. Thankfully, you can boost your recall.

Pay attention and avoid distractions - monkeybusinessimages/iStockPhoto

Pay attention and avoid distractions

One reason we forget things is that we never fully processed them into our memory in the first place. To encode a long-term memory in your brain, you need to actively attend to the information. Sometimes, simply reminding yourself to focus on the task at hand – say meeting someone new and learning their name – is all that's needed. However, stating what you're doing out loud can also help memory – eg "I'm putting my glasses on the kitchen table". If you're trying to process more complex information, try minimising distractions like television or phone calls.
Write or record new informationSource: gpointstudio/iStockPhoto

Write or record new information

Another way to help yourself stay focused on learning something new is to take a more active role – such as by writing or recording important points. Taking study notes for instance is generally more effective than simply reading or listening to a body of information. Keeping a pen and notebook (or using your smartphone) can be handy to record things, like say, where you parked your car in a large shopping centre car park.
Group things togetherSource: gpointstudio/iStockPhoto

Group things together

Organising information into groups makes memorising easier. That's why we often recite phone numbers in clusters of three or four digits. Grouping can also make what you're learning less "abstract" and give structure to the recall process. For example, if you have forgotten your shopping list try to recall items by types of products (i.e. dairy, stationary, toiletries).
Develop association techniquesSource: majesticca/iStockPhoto

Develop association techniques

Developing associations – say with a relevant image, acronym, sentence (acrostic) or rhyme – is another memory boosting trick. These memory clues are called mnemonics. For instance, the sentence "Every Good Boy Deserves Fruit" can be used to remember the notes on the lines of a treble clef in music (E, G, B, D, F). Likewise, when you meet someone new called Rosemary, creating a mental image of her face smelling the herb rosemary can make it more likely you will remember her name.
Avoid memory lapse triggersSource: iStockPhoto

Avoid memory lapse triggers

Fatigue and alcohol are two known triggers for memory lapse, so avoiding these can help in situations where you need to stay sharp. Aim to get a good night's sleep before an exam and if important information is likely to be exchanged at say, a work lunch, consider sticking to non-alcoholic drinks.
Published 20/01/2014

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