Clapping with hands while singing Aarti and bhajans, we feel pure and refreshed and help us in concentrating on Diety. When we are happy we clap the hands to express joy and happiness. Even little babies clap their hands to express joy and approval. The World Health Organisation (WHO) confirmed that clapping of hands is one of the best exercises. There are cases where many people regained their visions in six to twelve months just by clapping for about 20-30 minutes every morning. The following are the benefits of clapping.
Clapping is
associated with all good things in life – promotions, good grades,
celebrations, and more. It’s associated with happiness in our life. Our body
has 340 known pressure points, 28 of which are in our hand says Dr
Rahul Dogra from Kairali Ayurveda group, Delhi. One can identify those
pressure points and massage them to enjoy amazing benefits that pressure
therapy has to offer. These points have direct connections to different organs
of the body, which means we can stimulate these pressure points to alleviate
pain in different body organs.
Clap your hands! Clap your hands! It’s a very common
poem used among pre-school kids. Do you know, that clapping hands can be a boon
for your health. Many of you might be thinking it a joke, but it actually
happens. Today we will be telling you the benefits of clapping hands.
The benefits of clapping hands is directly based
upon the working of Acupressure theory. This seems to a joke if we tell
that “Clapping hands make a healthy health”, but the good thing is it is
absolutely right and worth too. Clapping, a simple striking of hands, but
its much more than you think.
Clapping therapy
One should apply coconut, mustard oil or a mix of both oils on
the palms so that it will be absorbed by the body. Wear socks and leather shoes
to prevent any leaking of the energy waves generated in the body. Strike both
hands against each other, right to left, keeping them straight facing each
other and the arms a little loose. Fingertips and the palm of each hand should
strike each other. This therapy is advisable in morning hours to get maximum
Clapping for 20 to 30 minutes
in the morning keeps you fit and active. As mentioned clapping stimulates blood
circulation, this blood circulation removes all obstructions in the veins and
arteries, including bad cholesterol suggests Dr Dogra.
ताली बजाने से महत्वपूर्ण फायदे / Benefits of Clapping
1. रोज 400 तालियां बजाने / Clapping से गठिया रोग ठीक हो जाता है। लगातार 3-4 महीने सुबह शाम ताली बजायें। ताली बजाने से उगलियों, हाथों का रक्त संचार / Blood Flow तीव्र गति से होता है। जोकि सीधे नसों को प्रभावित करता है जिससे गठिया रोग / Arthritis ठीक हो जाता है।
2. Hand Paralysis / हाथों में लकवा और हाथ कापना, हाथ कमजोर होने पर रोज नियमित सुबह शाम 400 तालियां बजाने से 5-6 महीनें में समस्या से निदान मिलता है।
3. Internal Organs / हृदय रोग, फेडडे़ खराब होने पर, लिवर की समस्या होने पर रोग नियमित सुबह शाम 400-400 तालियां बजायें। आंतरिक बीमारियों से तुरन्त छुटकारा मिलता है।
4. Immune System / रोग प्रतिरोधक क्षमता बढाने में तालियां अहम हैं। तालियां बजाने से शरीर में तीव्र रक्त संचार होता है। शरीर का अंग अंग काम करने लगता है।
5. तालियां बजाने से नसें और धमिनयों सही तरह से सुचारू हो जाती है। Veins, Muscles Strains / मांसपेशियों का तनाव खिचाव ठीक करने में तालियां बजाना सक्षम है।
6. तालियां बजाने से सिरदर्द, अस्थमा, मधुमेह नियंत्रण में रहता है। Clapping / तालियां मारना हेल्थ समस्याऐं नियंत्रण में रखने में सहायक है।
7. Hair Fall / बालों के झड़ने से रोकने में तालियां खास फायदा करती है। तालियां बजाने से हाथों में घर्षण बनता है। हाथ की अंगूठे उगलियां नसे सिर से जुड़ी होती हैं।
8. प्रतिदिन भोजन ग्रहण के बाद 400 तालियों बजाने से शरीर समस्त रोगों से दूर रहता है। शरीर में फालतू चर्बी नहीं जमती और मोटापा / Obesity, Fat से दूर रखने में तालियां अहम हैं।
9. तालियां बजाने से स्मरण शक्ति / Memory Power बढ़ती है। क्योंकि हाथ का अंगूठे की नसें सीधें दिमाग से जुड़ी होती है।
10. शरीर के समस्त जोड़ पाइन्टस हाथों की हथेलियों उगलियों से जुड़े होते हैं। इसलिए तालियां बजानें से Healthy Body Fit Mind / शरीर स्वस्थ और निरोग रहता है।
तालियां बजाने का तरीका / Clapping Hands, Steps
1. ताली बजाने से पहले हाथों पर नारियल, जैतून, बादाम, तिल, अखरोट आदि कोई भी एक तेल लगा लें।
2. रोज सुबह 400 तालियां और रोज शाम 400 तालियां बजायें।
3. 200 तालियां हाथ ऊपर कर और 200 तालियां साधारण स्थिति में रह कर बजायें।
4. हाथों पर तीव्र घषर्ण, या हाथ गर्म होने पर कुछ सेकेंड़ रूकें।
5. तालियां बजाने के तुरन्त बाद कुछ खायें पीने नहीं। 20-25 मिनट बाद ही कुछ खायें पीयें।
*स्वस्थ शरीर के लिए तालियां बजाना अति उत्तम फायदेमंद है। ताली बजाने से शरीर में रक्त संचार तीव्र गति से होता है। जोकि सम्पूर्ण शरीर / Whole Body को दुरूस्त करने में सक्षम है*
हमारे पूर्वज बहुत ज्ञानी थे , वो जानते थे कि व्यक्ति अच्छे कार्य आसानी से नहीं करता है, इसलिए उन्होंने हर उस कार्य को जो हमारे स्वास्थ्य से जुड़ा हो उसे धर्म से जोड़ा ताकि हम नियमित रूप से वो सब कार्य करें जो हमारे स्वास्थ्य के लिए सर्वश्रेष्ठ हो ।
उदाहरण के लिए-
सुबह शाम भगवान की आरती के साथ ताली बजानी चाहिए ।
5 main acupressure points in
the hand that are triggered while clapping:
Hand valley point
Base of thumb point
Wrist point
Inner gate point
Tumb nail point
Bhardwaj: Crush chronic illness with your clapping hands!
K.C. Bhardwaj is a 76-year-old
man from India who says that hands clapping cured his glaucoma:
“Over a decade back I was
looking for a miracle cure to glaucoma. I had started lose vision in both eyes.
I did not have the courage to undergo surgery. It was then I heard at a
‘satsang’ that clapping could cure diseases and that was why devotees clapped while
reciting kirtans. I regained my vision in about a year just by clapping for
about half an hour every morning.”
What research shows: Clap your hands for brain power
A researcher in Israel conducted
the first study of hand-clapping songs, revealing a direct link between those
activities and the development of important skills in children of all ages.
Dr. Idit Sulkin says “We found
that children in the first, second and third grades who sing these songs
demonstrate skills absent in children who don’t take part in similar
activities. We also found that children who spontaneously perform hand-clapping
songs in the yard during recess have neater handwriting, write better and make
fewer spelling errors.”
What are the various health benefits of clapping?
Improves the blood flow: By clapping for 20-30
minutes a day lay a good pressure on the important pressure points on our
hands. It thus improves the flow of blood and oxygen in the body.
Reduces the pain of arthritis: Those who are suffering
from the pain of arthritis feels relaxed after clapping. Pain in the joints,
neck, back and lower back might be cured by clapping hands. It helps to reduce
the pain in the body
Reduces the trouble in the
lungs: Clapping helps to improve
the blood flow to the body. Besides this, it also improves the flow of oxygen
to the body. Thus, in turn, the lungs get sufficient supply of oxygen. It helps
the body to get rid of the problem of lungs and asthma.
Reduces the problem of blood
pressure: Those who are
suffering from the problem of high blood pressure must clap their hands daily.
It improves the flow of blood in the body. This helps to regulate the blood
flow and blood pressure.
Improves the immune system of
babies: Clapping is also
beneficial for kids. It helps to regulate and open their pressure points
without any heavy exercise. It eventually helps to improve the flow of blood in
their body. Thus, it keeps their immune system healthy.
1. As
Clapping hands indicate active physical involvement it break out of
lethargy which helps the wandering mind to focus on the Bhakti ritual and away
from the personal/worldly thoughts. It also activates the emotional level
by inducing the devotee to appreciate the Bhakti ritual and attach his mind to
2. When we clap in
the Temple or in our house a mild heat is produced and the complete atmosphere
transforms and becomes pleasant.
this, the blood cells in our body get energy and our immunity improves.
the palm of the hands there are lots of meridians points. All these
meridians are connected to certain inner organs, such as the heart, the liver,
the kidneys etc. There are 39 different acupressure points for
almost all organs on our palm which are activated by clapping and this action
improves your health slowly but effectively. So while clapping we are
sending energy to all these points. If any organs has an energy
block, it helps release it, so that the inner organs may function in a better
has two functions- it stimulates receptors in the palms and circulates blood in
our body. The Receptors in the Palm transport the sensations to the brain.
There are sensory fields in the brain. These fields have right and left sides
in the brain and is called Homunculus. In this homunculus, hands and face have
maximum representation. Therefore, clapping stimulates maximum portion of
4. Clapping hands
helps patients having low blood pressure. If a person clap by keeping
hands upward for five minutes his blood pressure will become normal. Disease
like heart conditions, hypertension, and diabetes, depression, asthma, common
cold, and arthritis, headaches, insomnia and hair loss could be cured by
Dr anoop Kumar Bajpai
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