Monday, December 22, 2014

FREE MEDICAL BOOK AT MEDICALSTUDENT.COM A digital library of authoritative medical education information for the medical student and all students of medicine


"The student begins with the patient, continues with the patient, and ends his studies with the patient, using books and lectures as tools, as means to an end." -- Sir William Osler, Aequanimitas, 1905

The esteemed physician Sir William Osler felt that learning was an apprenticeship, and that medical apprentice learners needed convenient access to authoritative information to aid them in their studies. is a digital library of authoritative medical education information designed to help all students of medicine. The goal of is to provide a starting point for entry into medical places of enlightenment, entertainment and education on the Internet. identifies authoritative medical World-Wide Web sites that can teach, illuminate, and inspire. In essence, is meant to serve as a "pico portal" for users interested in quality medical resources on the Internet. Feel free to bookmark and / or link to uses the following criteria for World-Wide Web site selection: 1) The site is selected by a process of peer review by accreditation, because accreditation models are designed for works that change over time. To become accredited, a site must clearly display four core quality standards: a. Authorship, including the author's name, affiliation, and credentials. b. Attribution of facts through the listing of references. c. Disclosure of site ownership and sponsorship. d. Currency of the site by listing dates of content posting and updating. 2) The site must be free to use, in part or in whole. 3) The site's information must be primarily in Hypertext Markup Language format (HTML) so that it can be read by users with the lowest common denominator World-Wide Web browser


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Yoga Se hi Hoga , Karo yog Rahoge nirog