Friday, December 8, 2017

Yoga for Diabetes-Various Studies published in PubMed/Medline.


Table 1

                              Yoga program
Duration Exercise type
1 10 min pawanmuktasana
2 30 min salabhasana, virabhadrasana, Trikonasana, Upavistha Konasana, vrikshasana, Padahastasana, uttanasana, vajrasana, vakrasana, gomukhasana, paschimottanasana, uttanpadasana, bhujangasana, salabhasana, dhanurasana, viparita karani
3 20 min surya namaskar
4 15 min sitkari and bhramari pranayama
5 10 min nadi shodhana, kapalbhati, and Shavasana
6 5 min Yoga nidra

Diabetes is a chronic hyperglycemia and disordered metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins. This disease originates from disruptions in secretion of insulin and performance of insulin receptors or both of these conditions. According to statistics presented by WHO in 2016, the number of people with diabetes has risen from 108 million in 1980 to 422 million in 2014. Diabetes mellitus has affected millions of people around the world where this figure is increasing with an alarming rate. Estimates reveal that the number of diabetic patients would reach over 366 million people in 2030 all over the world.
Some research has shown that there is a relationship between the quantity and quality of sleep and diabetes. For example, some studies have reported that sleep disorders can lead to increased risk of diabetes-. Resnick et 692 diabetic patients showed that there is a significant difference between the diabetes and non-diabetes groups in terms of sleep stages and the sleep time. Using the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, Vigg et al. demonstrated that diabetes Type 2 follows sleep reduction and control of blood sugar is associated with the sleep quality and quantity. Therefore, it seems that sleep and diabetes (one as a physiological behavior and the other as a metabolic disorder) have interactive effects on each other.

Exercise protocol

The both exercise protocol included 12 weeks, 3 sessions every week. The yoga exercise program included 10 min general warm-up (pawanmuktasana), 30 min asana (principal movements), 20 min surya namaskar, 15 min pranayama (breathing exercise), 10 min shavasana (relaxation), and 5 min Yoga nidra. Yoga program is shown in Table 1.
For More Details about Please contact.
Dr. Anoop Kumar Bajpai
Yog and Meditation Expert

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Yoga Se hi Hoga , Karo yog Rahoge nirog