Saturday, April 4, 2015

Donate your books and other e-learning materials for community library resource center in rural areas of India

Thanks for your support. We will inaugurate community library cum computer training & resource center in Buldelkhand at Banda  on 2nd October 2015. We have received some donation like books, one computer with printer. Dear all we need more computer and books please support as you wise.

Dear Well wishers,

We are proposing to open a community library cum computer training & resource center in Buldelkhand at Banda U P. India.This community center will be open for all of ages having fully access to all resources available in the library .Therefore we understand that without active support of generous individuals like you,this mission will be impossible to achieve our aim of "knowledge for all".
We hereby request you to kindly donate your books,your kids used books,DVD's and other learning/teaching  materials for the noble cause.Please get in touch with us for any further information.

If you are interested to donate,we will collect at your doorstep with your suitable availability.


Samvid Global foundation

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