Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Yoga Question & Answer..........I think we all need to know about yoga

Yoga Question & Answer -for more you send your question on my mail ID yogawithanu@gmail.com

1. What is Yoga?
             Yoga is a way of life which helps to control mind and helps in developing your personality. Its reality of Yoga if you practice yoga in daily life your mind and life will be more flexible.

 2. How is Yoga helpful in our day to day life?
         In our day to day life a human being is undergoing through different kinds of Stress(Office stress, family stress and insecurity of life. He is always in search of sailing the ship on the way of happiness and peace of mind.
His real happiness lies within himself only. The stable mind and well tuned body can give him a real joy which does not vanish like our materialistic happiness. These things can be achieved through Yoga. Yoga can control the working of mind. It also helps in reducing some physical and mental disorders.
3. What is the meaning of Asana?
                Asana is a steady and comfortable posture of body.

 4. What are Do? and Don'ts while practicing Yoga?
                Time for practice -
Timing is more important for practicing of yoga. Actually anytime is suitable if your stomach is empty. Considering our schedules, the time early in the morning is most suitable for study. The evening time about 4 hours after lunch is also suitable for practice, provided no additional food is taken in between.
Practice the sessions continuously -
Do not split the time of study in the morning and evening.
Place -
Place is a major concern of yoga practicing. The place where you are going to study must be spacious, airy, pollution free, warm and with not so bright lights.
Accessories Used -
You can use carpet or mattress for the study.
Position -
As explained in ancient texts, you should face either east or north during the study.
Please be sure that telephone, Television, Doorbell or any other thing should not disturb you during the study.
Clothes -
Do not wear tight clothes, but loose clothing during practice. Like Kurta Payjama and Track Suit 
You should be physically fit to practice. (Please confirm this from your physician before starting this practice.) You must learn the proper Yogasana before this study.

 5.  Should Yoga be practiced only in the morning?
                You can practice yoga in the afternoon also but your stomach should be empty while practicing.      Considering our schedules, the time early in the morning is most suitable for study. The evening time about 4 hours after lunch is also suitable for practice, provided no additional food is taken in between. Only one Yogaasan can do after lunch or dinner its “Vajraasan”  

6. Which is the best time to perform Yoga?
                Early in the morning between 5:00am to 7.00 am. But if not possible then, You can practice Yoga in the evening at least Four hours after your lunch.

 7. What is the difference between Yogasanas and other exercises?
              Yoga is the Science as a whole. Yogic practices which are used for curing physical and mental disorders are referred as Yogic Techniques.

 8.           What are the preparatory steps which are to be followed before starting the Yoga practice?
                It is essential to follow the preparatory steps before starting with the practice
                You have to study each asana properly before practicing it.
                Follow the breathing instructions given to you.
                Do not hold the breath after attaining the final posture.
                Try to follow the instructions as much as you can without any trouble.

                Stop immediately if your muscles are overloaded or you will suffer from severe pain anywhere in the body.
                If there is no pleasure then the posture can't be called Asana.
                Maintain the full control over the movements of your limbs while performing asana.
                Do not loose the control as it may cause trouble to your muscles.
                Any time you feel tired, practice Shavasana for few minutes to relax.
                Release the asana posture if the steadiness is lost and your muscle starts vibrating.
                As far as possible keep your eyes closed during the practice.
                Do not practice these asanas more than once in a day.
                Do not practice those asanas, which are not prescribed to you.
9.What is the advantage of Yoga over to other Exercises?
Exercise increases strength and stamina of the muscles but Yoga affects complete body mind complex and triggers a change from negative to positive direction on the physical, mental ,spiritual plane of existence.
10. Can Yoga be helpful in the weight reduction?
                Yes, Only if Yoga practices like Yogasana and Pranayama can improve the digestion capacity of the body which reduces excessive fat consumption of the body.

 11.         Is there any age limit while performing Yoga?
                Yoga can be practiced at all ages above twelve 12 years .It can be practiced at the age of 80, years. But one should do only those asanas that are suitable to one? physical conditions.
  12.        Is it necessary for the user to be religious/God fearing to practice Yoga?
                Certainly not .But you should have total faith in what you practice otherwise it will be fruitless .If you want to practice Yoga you must have faith in Yoga.

 13.What is the easiest Yogic practice?
                Shavasana, Omkar Chanting and Yoganidra. Patanjali?s Ashtanga Yoga which explains asanas,pranayama and meditation. Anybody can practice these techniques.
 14.         How Yoga can help in reducing stress in the office?
                Yoga helps in reducing physical, mental and emotional stress. If you practice Yoga everyday it can certainly help to reduce your stress in the office.
 15.         How is Yoga helpful for children?
                Special techniques like Omkar, Yoganidra can increase the concentration of mind and memory. Also the techniques like Surya Namaskara increase the physical fitness of the child.
16.  What is Relaxation technique?
                Relaxation technique is the way to keep your body relaxed and give it maximum peace of mind. It increases the performance of mind and body both.
17.  What does the word "Yoga" means?
                The word Yog comes from Sanskrit verb "Yuj" which means to join. Here we mean to join the Atma Tattva (Soul) with Paramatma Tattva (God).
18.   How is Yoga helpful for Women/ housewives?
                Apart from common benefits of Yoga some special Yogic techniques help women to increase their physical and mental health.
19.          Are there any special instructions for the women while practicing Yoga?
                The women should perform Yogasana under the experts guidance. One should not perform Yogasanas during the menstrual period.
                There are some techniques which are prohibited for the women.
 20.What is Pranayama?
                Pranayama means controlling the Prana i.e. bio energy which is behind all activities of the body.

 21.Which are the diseases that can be cured by Yoga?
                Yoga can be useful in reducing the effects of the diseases like Hypertension,Spondilities,Asthma,Arthritis,Slipdisc,Digestive disorders, menstrual disorders, mental disorders and sleeplessness and many more like these.

 22.  How can Yoga be helpful to improve your personality?
                The physical development as well as psychological improvement can be obtained by Yoga. The proportionate body structure can lead to increase your confidence. The stability of mind, increase in the concentration of the mind can be obtained with the help of Yoga.

23. Can you reduce sleep by practicing Yoga?
                Yes, being Yoga as Relaxation Technique , the practice of it reduces the Body?s consumption in daily routine. The sound sleep obtained through Yoga can give peace of mind.

 24. When should a patient take Yoga Treatment?
                When a Patient needs quick relief he takes Allopathic, Ayurvedic or Homeopathy treatment. But when such treatment does not bring in the required effect a patient takes ?Yoga Treatment? because these treatments cure without medicine.

 25.         Is it necessary for the user to be religious/God fearing to practice Yoga?
                Certainly not .But you should have total faith in what you practice otherwise it will be fruitless .If you want to practice Yoga you must have faith in Yoga.

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Yoga Se hi Hoga , Karo yog Rahoge nirog