Sunday, October 21, 2018

Sinus Treatment through Jalneti Kriya...

Jala Neti – Yoga for Cleaning your Sinuses

Jala Neti is a yogic technique to clean your sinuses. Neti is one of the six purification methods in Hatha Yoga. The sinus cavities can get clogged with impurities which may cause infections, inflammations and headaches. The yogic text Hatha Yoga Pradeepika gives a simple method to keep your sinuses clean. The text gives six practices for cleansing the body and to prepare the body and mind for higher practices of Yoga. These are called Shatkarmas. One of them deals with Nasal hygiene and is called Neti. Nasal hygiene is extremely important as it is linked to many conditions like sinusitis, migraine, headaches, allergies and asthma. Neti is a very simple practice that can be done along with your daily routine, say immediately after brushing your teeth in the morning. It takes just a few minutes and helps to relieve many of the problems related to the nasal and sinus cavities.

For the process:

  • You need a Neti pot.
  • A pinch of salt.
  • Lukewarm water.
Neti pot is usually small and has a long spout on one side, which is small enough to be inserted gently into one of the nostrils during the process.

The Cleansing:

It is a simple practice and can be done along with your daily routine, say right after brushing your teeth in the morning. It takes just a few minutes.

The Benefits

  1. A daily practice helps maintain the nasal hygiene by removing the dirt and bacteria trapped along with the mucus in the nostrils.
  2. It pacifies the sensitive tissues inside the nose, which can assuage a bout of rhinitis or allergies.
  3. It is very effective in dealing with asthmatic conditions making breathing easy.
  4. It reduces tinnitus and middle ear infections.
  5. It helps abate sinusitis or migraine attack.
  6. It can alleviate upper respiratory complaints like sore throats, tonsils and dry coughs.
  7. It can clear the eye ducts and improve vision.
  8. Clearing of nasal passages helps improve sense of smell and thereby improves digestion.
  9. It actually calms the nervous system and the mind. Helps relieve stress and brings clarity to the mind.
  10. People have experienced reduction in their anger by practicing Jal Neti regularly.
  11. The yogis practice this as it improves the quality of their meditation.

Jal Neti: Take care

  1. The nose should be dried properly after the process.
  2. People with high blood pressure should be careful during this part. If one feels dizzy while drying the nose then it should be done standing upright.
  3. Take care that you do not leave any water in the nasal passages as it might cause an infection.
  4. Like any other yogic practice learn it from an expert practitioner.
  5. Jal Neti goes beyond nasal cleansing and helps in aligning your body, mind and soul. Hence, it should be practiced daily and not when one has a nasal blockage or cold.

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Yoga Se hi Hoga , Karo yog Rahoge nirog