Thursday, April 3, 2014

How to use of Koha Library Software

Library automation means your records has been uploaded in this software and  you can searched and accessed bibliographical information at your personal computer anywhere in medanta just single click given below link.
  1. You can search your all library records –in your department and see how many books, titles and authors we have.
  2. In this Following information can be accessed through this software (Acc. No, ISBN No., Title, Author, Editors, Vol. No. Place of Publication, Year, Price, Date.
  3. You can search subject wise, specialties wise and department wise.
  4. It is time saving tool for all.
  5. You can send your suggestions for purchasing of books approved by Department Head.
  6. You can send your request for reservation of particular books.
  7. You can send your request for borrowing of books.

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