Today we are living in modern era, everything is changing fast. So how can one survive in changing environment; just change itself. We need to develop our personality and body language.
A famous quotations Leo Tolstay “Every one thinks of changing the world; but no one thinks of changing himself.”
Lord Chesterfield once said, ‘If you are not in fashion, you are nobody.”
Body Language
Body Language is one of the most potent forms of communication. It supports and enhances the force of verbal communication. The gestures, signs and expressions are the media of communication, what a person want to convey. Interpreting the signs and responding in a right is a useful communication tool.
Normal conversation speed is about 100 to 120 words per minute. But the average person can think about 800 wards per minute. Body language is an outlet for your unspoken thought and feelings. It is a unique non- verbal channel of communicant for conveying information or for expressing our conscious or unconscious thoughts. Many signals are inborn, many others are learned or required in different ways.
How Dominance and Control Are Communicated
Considering what has already been said about the impact of the palm- Up and the Palm- Down gestures, let’s explore their relevance in handshaking.
In Roman times, two leaders would meet and greet each other with what amounted to a standing version of modern arm wrestling. If one leader was stronger than the other, his hand would finish above the other’s hand in what became known as the Upper Hand position.
Let’s assume that you have just met someone for the first time and you greet each other with a handshake. One of the three basic attitudes is subconsciously transmitted:
Dominance: He is trying to dominate me. I’d better be cautious.’
Submission: ‘I can dominate this person. He’ll do what do what I want.’
Equality: ‘I feel comfortable with this person.’
The Hand Shake
One of the most potent form of communication and greeting is the handshake, which is of western origin. However, we have acquired it, especially in our official commercial communication. The handshake is our first communication while meeting on a one to one basis. To some extent, we can also convey our relationship with the other person of dominance, friendliness or subjugation, therefore, it is necessary to understand handshake.
1. Submission is denoted, when your palms faces Upwards.
2. Dominance is conveyed in the handshake when your palm faces down, in relation to the other person’s palm.
3. When two dominant people are shaking hands each would like to see the other on Submissive. Therefore, there is very likelihood of the hands being held in a vice- like grip.
4. In order to intimidate the other dominant person, take a step forward with left foot as you reach to shake hands, then bringing your right foot forward, place it in his personal space, then bring your left foot beside the other foot and shake the person’s hand. This allow you to take command, by invading the other person’s personal space.
5. Right handed people generally at a disadvantage when they get a dominant handshake, for they have very little maneuverable space or flexibility to move within the confines of the handshake, letting the other person gain mastery.
6. To dominate the other person, another way is to grasp the person’s hand on, that will be in a palm facing down position is in a superior position on judiciously and cautiously.
7. The politician’s handshake, called the glove handshake creates suspicion and caution in the receiver’s mind when he is meeting the initiator for the first time. This handshake should be used only with known people.
8. An uninviting greeting gesture is the dead- fish handshake. The clammy, cold feeling, like that of touching a dead fish, relates it to week – charactered people, making this type of handshake unpopular.
9. The knuckle – grinder handshake leaves you wanting to hit out at the other person.
10. The stiff- arm thrust in a handshake is special to aggressive types, the main purpose being to keep the receiver at a distance.
11. In the fingertip- grab, the person mistakenly grabs the receivers fingers, showing that he lacks confidence, through appearing to be eager. The fingertip handshake is also used when the person wants to keep the other at a safe distance.
12. Trust and sincerity is signified in a double handed handshake.
13. It is so because in a double – handed clasp, the left hand on the wrist, the elbow, the upper arm, or the shoulder, transmits more feeling than the palm, The further he moves his palm up the receiver’s arm the more feeling the wishes to communicate.
14. When one is sure of mutual feelings only then should we use the double handshake, or else the receiver will be suspicious his intentions.
15. The first hold hand and the elbow – grasp are generally used between friends or relatives, where the user’s left hand penetrates the receivers intimate zone.
Greeting the Indian way
Indian businessman may show their appreciation with enthusiastic backs lapping.
Take plenty of business cards – we Indian exchange them routinely.
Always ask permission before smoking or talking photos: the latter can be a sensitive issue in many parts the world, but especially in India.
Do not touch paintings or status in temples or mosques.
Public displays of affection are not considered proper, even between married couples.
A unique Indian gesture is grasp the earlobe to indicate their remorse of honesty depending o the context.
Nodding the head form side to side is another characteristically Indian gesture, indicating sincerity.
Thus the western handshake is practiced by men generally in India while the namskar or Indian greeting is practiced by both men and women.
Anoop Kumar Bajpai
RA, Nehru Library, CCSHAU, Hisar
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