Friday, June 3, 2016

Yogasan and Pranayaam for Heartburn and Acidity cure

Gas and acidity conditions have same causes. These problems usually occur due to certain factors such as consuming processed, oily and spicy foods, emotional factors, improper eating and drinking habits, smoking, etc. 

The best remedy for these problems is practicing yoga regularly. Along with yoga you have to be careful in your eating habits like how and what you eat. Here are some yogic postures that help you to get rid of gas and acidity problems.
Threats of excessive gas in body
Heart problems
Ulcers in stomach
Arthritis when gas flows through joints
Digestive system disorder 
Vajra Asana
 Anulum Vilum

 Pawanmukt asna

Yoga poses can be practiced at home daily, and are very effective. Some of these include:
Vajrasana (Thunderbolt pose): This asana increases blood flow to the stomach and intestine and helps to digest food effectively, even if you have a weak digestive system.
Kapalbhati pranayama: It is effective in curing stomach disorder, obesity, digestive disorder and many problems related to stomach.
Pavanamuktasana (Wind-Relieving pose):Regular practice of Pawanmuktasana helps stimulate bowel movement which is very necessary for removing waste material.
Anulom-Vilom pranayama: This pose boosts energy in the body and releases stress and anxiety. It should be practiced in the morning in the fresh air with empty stomach.
Ustrasana or (Camel pose): This pose is especially good for back problem. It helps relax the mind, and improves blood circulation. It is also good for the respiratory, endocrine and nervous systems.
Balasana : This is very useful asan for acidity.
Parvatasan: This is also very useful for gas and acidity
Anulom Vilom : Practice Anulum vilum 10 sets or 5 minutes
Bhastrika Pranayama : Practice 10 times 3 sets

All backward and forward bending asanas are good for the digestive system as it tones the organs in the abdomen and makes them function optimally. Paschimotasana, Ustrasana, Makarasana,Matsyasana and Ardha Matyendrasana are recommended. 
Mayurasana is another asana which is excellent for removing all digestive disorders. It should be performed on an empty stomach. But this asana requires a bit of practice to master it. If you have difficulty in doing Mayurasana, then Hamsasana or the Swan Pose is a good alternative.
Apart from asanas, pranayama can also help in releiving acidity. In many cases, acidity is triggered by anxiety and tension. Performing asanas and pranayama with awareness, gives a calm mind, free of tensions. Sheetali pranayamaBhramari pranayama and Anulom Vilom pranayama (alternate breathing, without retention) are particularly good reducing stress and tension and hence indirectly helps to reduce acidity problems.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

How to practice Yogasana and Jal Neti........Sunday yoganasa at Gurgaon Park

Jal Neti                               

Ardha Matendra asana

Shirshasan Poses


Ardha Pawanmukt asan

 Ardha Pawanmukt asan

Vipritkarni asana

Halasana pose

 Setubadh asan (Bridge Pose)

 Camel pose
 Camel pose
 Fish Pose Matsya asana

 Fish Pose Matsya asana
 Shupt vajrasana
 Shoulder Excercise

 Nadi Shodhan Pranayaam
 Bhramari Pranayaam For Headache
 Hastutan asna
 Ashwa Sanchalana
 Astang Namaskar asna
 Sarp asana

 Tree Pose

Tree pose

Tree Pose

Natraj asana

Cow pose 

Yoga Se hi Hoga , Karo yog Rahoge nirog