Thursday, April 30, 2015

What Your Posture Says About Your Personality

We like to blame our posture on the heavy bags we carry or the long hours spent at a desk every day — both of which can be true, but did you know your personality can also affect your posture? 
Researchers from McGill University and the San Diego University for Integrative Studies gathered 100 people and set out to determine if extroverts and introverts stood in different ways. The subjects were grouped based on four types of posture:
  1. Ideal posture: a neutral position of the head, spine, and pelvis
  2. Kyphosis-lordosis posture: forward head position, an exaggerated rounding of the upper back and an exaggerated arch in the lower back
  3. Flat back posture: forward head position, pelvis tucked under and a flat lower back
  4. Sway-back posture: pelvis tucked under and pushed forward, a flat lower back, and hyperextended knees
The study showed a striking correlation between personality and posture. Ninety-six percent of the subjects who had ideal posture and eighty-three percent of the subjects who had kyphosis-lordosis posture were extraverts. The introverts, on the other hand, were far more likely to have flat back or sway-back posture.
The results of the study alone are noteworthy, but understanding the reason why extraverts and introverts tend to stand differently is fascinating: It goes back to our ancient physical responses to positive and negative stress. When we feel confident, our action response kicks in, prompting us to stand up straight and arch our back, preparing for action. Extraverts tend to feel and act confidently, and repeated activation of the action response can lead extraverts to stand in this posture all the time.
In contrast, when we feel timid, fearful or don't want to be the center of attention, our withdrawal response is triggered. The withdrawal response causes us to contract our abdominal muscles as if to curl up into the fetal position so we feel protected. When we contract our abdominal muscles, we tuck our pelvis under and the natural arch in our lower back is flattened, resulting in the flat back or sway-back postures common among introverts.
  • First, have a friend take a photo of you from the side. Stand normally and don't try to have perfect posture. Looking at a photo instead of at your reflection in the mirror will help you see your posture more objectively. Be aware of the muscle tension pulling you into your habitual posture. Are your tight lower back muscles causing you to arch your back? Are your abdominal muscles contracted, pulling your head forward and flattening your lower back?
  • Start noticing if the way you're feeling causes you to sit or stand in certain ways. Do you stand up straight or arch your back when you feel confident? Do you slouch when you feel timid or don't want to be the center of attention?
  • Focus on your posture during your workouts. Exercise offers the perfect opportunity to concentrate on your form with no distractions like phone calls or emails.
  • Set a timer on your phone to go off every ten minutes throughout the day. When it goes off, check in with yourself and notice how you're sitting or standing. Correct your posture if needed, and see how long you can stay in that ideal posture.
The more aware you are of how you're holding yourself, the better you can correct potentially improper and painful posture! 
Photo Credit: Stocksy

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

18 Benefits and Reasons Why You Should Do Yoga

Shared publicly   -  Apr 23, two thousand and fifteen 
Ladies and Exercise best for everybody without Harm
#yoga    #beautifulskin    #beautifulbody    #longlife   
Weight lose by doing yoga 
Is Yoga stretching back with an Ancient Practice Years Thousands of Origins in India. It IS Achieve A Positive Outlook on Life and designed to help A more focused, Permanent sense of serenity and Peace. 
Relaxation yoga IS Currently well-Known for Encouraging and improving flexibility, but more and more Studies show that the GO beyond the obvious that offers Benefits Practice. Besides easing back pain, yoga for people suffering from other medical conditions Can Provide A Myriad of help. 
No matter your age, your Physical capabilities, your current Weight or your fitness goals, you shouldnt BE doing yoga. Whether you're taking yoga class A One week, mindfully Spending Five minutes each morning stretching, or doing something more, your body and mind will Thank you.

1. Better Sleep : With an increasing population suffering from varying degrees of the PERCENTAGE of Insomnia, this IS an often overlooked Feature Benefit of yoga. A FEW Times doing yoga helps to calm the Nervous System and improve Rest week.

2. Helps fight food cravings:  Keeping off Weight Can BE A with A regular yoga Routine bit easier. In A Study of 15,000 average-Weight adults, people gained fewer pounds annually over 3 if they followed the Course of Years 4 Routine of A Half HOUR of yoga per week. The Weight loss might BE A closer Relationship between body and mind during A result of yoga, Helping Reduce overeating to participants. craving Strikes Generally when your body tense IS. Relaxing Session of A with yoga makes it easier Whether or not that you really need to consider Extra Bar candy. yoga helps lose Weight 

3. Improves posture : Because of the fact that yoga Strengthens your core, you will Soon Notice that as you improved your posture IS A FEW weeks Practice for it. You will walk with confidence, head held high, shoulder back and tummy in. Good posture IS not only healthy, it also help you look and more attractive to Taller STAND.
3 Ways To stubborn ELIMINATE Female Body Fat

 4. Relieves stress: That IS One of the well Known Benefits of yoga, if you Practice yoga regularly, your stress levels are Reduced. It is a part of the routine that asks you to clear your mind and focus on your breathing and body. A as result, will Diminish your stress reactions, even after your class Finishing.

5. Helps to lose Weight: Weight Yoga Can help you lose and keep it off, if combined with Too A healthy Diet and Exercise program as PART of regular A. It IS not include any WONDER why so many DVDs Workout and Weight loss yoga Segment A?

6. boosts performance in the bedroom:  Spice up your love with yoga poses that FOCUS on body alignment, Flow Increase sexual desire and blood. Several yoga poses Send Flow blood directly to the Pelvic region, intensifying desire and Sensitivity. moves that require balance and Abdominal contraction Can Pelvic strengthen your core muscles because of the FOCUS on. Whole body Awareness, Vital to yoga, also boosts self confidence and makes you more Assertive. 

7. Increases muscle tone: To Getting and Maintaining A healthy Weight In Addition, yoga Can Lean also help you build muscle, tone and define existing muscle. This does not mean you will be over huge and buff. You will have A sexy silhouette and Gorgeous.

8. Sharpens Mental Health: 
to help with Regular Practice of yoga has been Suggested Memory and concentration and even, in recent researches, it has been proven to help prevent and Treat Diseases such as Alzheimer's. IS not it marvelous?

9. Low impact: Low impact A ​​needs to Yoga Exercise great for you if you have that IS why it IS TROUBLE Joint. But it still is strenuous. Can you handle it if you are not sure if so, ASK your doctor first, and of A Beginner's Course Course ease into.

10. Keeps balance: If you, like some people, suffer from balance problem, either from Inner EAR Issue or something else, Can yoga help with this, Too. Time to think there IS nothing to BEGIN IS it Can not help with yoga!

11. Pain management: Weapon in the Battle Against Chronic pain Yoga IS A Victorious. And, because it IS IS not A Drug and appropriate for almost anyone, it IS something for anyone who suffers from considering long-term Joint, muscle, or other pain.
Benefits of the yoga

12. Full of energy: Like any other Form of Workout, regularly doing yoga with you an energy boost in Can Provide A long term. It IS definitely much better Than you off wearing any energy drink.

13. Breathing Issues: A big PART IS the breathing exercises of yoga-or-which are Incorporated into the Pranayama and then on their own positions. A more focused and Centered Way of the breathing exercises encourage, and while they might not consciously BE something you'll do every day, they're absolutely sure to Provide Effective methods of stress-management and Generally make you feel much better.
Plus, like someone with asthma, it really helps to open your lungs and explore what it means to breath consciously. Do those for Pranayamas A FEW weeks, and you'll feel the Benefits.
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14. Better Mood: 
A 2010th Study Found that Just Practicing yoga Times A three week increased levels of anxiety and depression and Chemicals in the BRAIN that help Combat puts you in better mood on A Daily Basis A.

15. Better control over medical conditions affected by stress :Researchers theorized that yoga may Earlier this year Effective in Treating patients with BE-Related Psychological stress and medical conditions such as depression, anxiety, HIGH PRESSURE and Cardiac Disease blood.
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16. Better management of rheumatoid Arthritis: 
Arthritis patients suffering from rheumatoid reported significant Improvements in Quality of Life after starting their A Gentle yoga Practice.

17. Meditation Can Change your Life for the better: 
Meditation really IS the Key to all things yoga. Even if you Can do every kind of complicated pose under the Sun, it Loses all of its true meaning if it's not done with FOCUS and thought. Meditation has been shown to Time and Time again that everyone Shouldnt BE A implement into their Daily Routine Practice beneficial. 
Meditation IS A Bowl of incense and not necessarily with Sitting Working your Way through Darkened A in A Book of Tibetan Chants, candlelit Room- rather, you can meditate anywhere quiet and at absolutely any time you like. All it takes IS Five minutes with some alone Time and Peace and QUIET. Meditation Improves your Quality of Life by for allowing your mind some Time to Process everything that Goes on in your Life. Practice yoga and INTEGRAL PART of it's A Hugely important and something that really Can Change your Life, for allowing you to embrace ease with Calmness and serenity. 

18. Protects the heart 
Yoga Can Reduce blood HIGH PRESSURE, CHOLESTEROL bad, and stress, all risk for heart Disease Factors. Performing savasana (corpse pose) is associated with greater improvements in blood pressure compared to simply lying on the couch.

Weight Loss: Yoga Poses (Aasanas) that work : Practice Daily

Weight loss Tips you all are TRY TIRED? We have the answer to your problem -yog. This Method of Exercise combines the World's Two best things - fitness and meditation. The Most Amazing thing that IS no matter your Weight How much you want to or PARTS of all loose fat from the body through which everything BE Found Can yoga. It does not make much on joints and early Exercise Injury prone Whether there IS good trainer observe Utterly insignificant. In Addition, you also need to Spend Thousands on membership GYM IS no longer, Can you in your own home. You will need comfortable clothing and A Just for yoga Mat. So his journey to Historic Weight loss 12 best yoga we are told:
Semi Chandrasana : Ardha-chandrasana      
This IS your Pushtikaon and Shapely upper and Internal Jngaon Asana. If you are Bothered by these Places in fat, it will BE Highly Effective posture. The Extra stretch Reduces Abdominal fat and your body will become stronger.
Asana Practice :   First, both Feet Stand heel-toes together. Adjacent to the waist and neck, both in front of Arms Straight Eyes. Keep both nearly Fit Feet One-Half. Keep the spine Straight. Then, taking up the Right-hand shoulder, pull the palm toward Parallel to the Sky. Adjacent to the hand and EAR will pick up again. The Mind of the left hand are Adjacent from your waist. Then the Right-hand Upright adjoining Tends GO HEAD EARS and keeping up to waist left. During which your left hand automatically Kskta BE Down. Note that the left palm were shying away from the left foot. Wherever possible, again to the left in A State of semi-lunar Bowed stay for 30-40 seconds. Slowly come back Straight Stand again. Adjacent to the EAR HEAD and Parallel hands again bring the shoulders. Then the palm towards the Ground Adjacent to the waist to make the hand. It turned toward the left from the Right-hand Half Frequency Chandrasana now the first of the Right then again into the seat of the left hand while Tends GO A State of Relaxation. The posture will Benefit from 4 to 5 Times.
Note :  If you're dealing with Digestive problems, injuries or are suffering from Spinal HIGH PRESSURE blood, so it Shouldnt not posture.
Virbdrasn    1Veerbhadrasana1
It literally means the Warriors currency, the posture and stretch your back, your Jngaon, Pushtika and Strengthens the stomach. It enhances your concentration and your CHEST Spreads that you Can I breathe better so. This Reduces the body's unwanted fat.
Posture Method :       Feet on by both the Mat Placing your hands together and Stand Click Next. Now your foot and left foot backwards and obstacles Forward Right. Now bend your knee so you are going to come to them comfortably Push Right. Twist toward your Torso LEG bent the Right. Slight bend toward your left LEG Change (about 40 0 -60 0)        , so you Get additional support). And breathe, your Arms Straight and lift the body from the knee bent. Stretch your Torso Arms and slowly back up and Tilt (Tilt) so that take the shape of your back Can A Bow. Stay in this posture until then, until you are comfortable with it. Breathe Normal speed. To come out of the posture and breathe and Straighten your Right knee. Right now bring your foot to position the Original. With the help of his hands in position A to come undone. Do not rush or your back or legs are injured. Repeat for the other LEG the same posture.
Note :       If you are of Victim A HIGH PRESSURE blood, knee or back problems, Please do this Asana A yoga instructor in the inspection. 
Virbdrasn     2: veer-bhadrasana2      
This IS the second PART of the pedestal Virbdrasn 1. The posture of your back, Jngaon, Strengthens heart muscle and stomach.
Posture Method :       Virbdrasn 1. Following the steps, hands on HEAD instead of raising the Bar like this, your Torso twist your body to the side and lift your hands on either side Indicates that (your fingers open Shouldnt And your left and Right legs BE Spread on either side must Parallel BE). Now turn your HEAD Looking so you are in the same Way, and your Right hand. Repeat the Process for the left foot.
Note :  If you are suffering from Diarrhea, do not posture.
Utkatasana :  Utkatasana    
 CHAIR Known as Asanas in this posture may need concentration and you have to FOCUS on the muscles that are being used in it. The heart muscle, and Pushtika Strengthens Jngaon.
Posture Method :       Stand Straight, Feet put both together. Keep your hands together in prayer pose, namely Greet. If the toes of the Feet and Ankles Supported SIT Tikakr buttocks up on the Ground. Both hands on knees, Ankles and knees stretched Parallel Freeze . Bend your Torso Light Forward. Stay in this pose as long as you're comfortable. To come out of the seat to BE comfortable Standing Upright.
Note :       If your knees and back Hurt, so it not easy.

The stability and robustness of the legs DEVELOP. Plant Removes Excess fat around the waist and Kulhon PART of it and both remain strong. Because of this, the balance of the mind grows. Having in mind the balance to DEVELOP IS confidence and concentration. Let it be sustained by the body and mind remain always pep.
Posture Method :  First, careful BE STAND up. Keeping Feet are from both hands over each other and then join hands Taking Sidhakr Distance Standing at A HEAD. Turning then to the Right foot rests on the left thigh from the knee to the foot. The Right position of the foot heel-Jnnendrai BE Gudadwar Pinned Down. Left foot while Balancing on the palms, HEAD and shoulders Aligned Upright, keep the same. Try to Maintain balance while converge. Breathing and Looking at One thing to Normal speed before any FOCUS Maintaining IS thought in your mind to help you on the posture Krengekyog IS Concentrated if not, then the body will not BE stable. Your BRAIN in your control so much the more will you will easily able to BE BE posture. The seat of the CHAIR or the wall, do not try to resort.
Note :       If your knees or back so only under the seat to the Supervision of Yogkrmi Injury A trained.
 Uttanasana :Uttanasana       
Uttanasana of the body and relieve stress of the regular Practice Gets the Last PARTS IS PARTS Exercise all these in the present. The lateral PARTS Flexible and Strengthening of the yoga pose the legs are. The seat pulled back enough BONES IS. Neck and Get BRAIN relaxed. Mental Relaxation and Peace.
Posture Method :
Uttanasana and neck as far as possible while Practicing Shouldnt BE HEAD Geared towards the Ground. At this stage, the spine Shouldnt BE Straight. Palms BE Shouldnt off at the Time of the Ground pedestal. If you are not able to do so as far as Bending your knees to bend towards the floor by TRY possible Arms and HOLD or, so to that extent could the palms touch the floor. Pushtikaon during Exercise Parallel Shouldnt you TRY to keep the knees.
Sun Salutation : Surya Namaskar, which IS IS A SET of several yoga done sequentially. There are many Properties Associated with Weight loss because it contains the whole body tilted back and forth and stretching under which Rugs OFFER IS. For the Development of the entire body Than Practice Srwagin not any better. These Toxic Chemicals present in the organs inside your body out IS. (Read:       How Can the Right Way to quickly Surya Namaskar )
 Semi MatsyendrasanaArdha-matsyendrasana    
 This posture especially the ability to prevent breathing and oxygen to Increase your Lungs longer WORKS. It also Relaxes the spine and back pain or other problems Reminds Related to correcting.
Way to the posture Sit Down and Spread the legs at the front, the spine stretched and both legs are engaged with each other IS. Pushtika bend your left LEG and the Right side and his heels to MOVE. Now bring your foot to the Right Right foot and left hand on the left knee and left hand Move Backward. waist, shoulders and neck to bend to the Right Order it in. Take Breaths and drop long. Early EXPIRATION currency continue to come in, bring first hand Located behind the Right intact, then Straight waist, then the CHEST and neck at the end. Now the same in the other Direction Process.
Note :       If your back in the pew in front of Injury A trainer verified.
This IS Internal Jngaon best posture for. This yoga posture that helps in Removing the problems with your spine, Lower back, knees and strengthen the muscles of Kutch. It fixes and Digestive System Reduces from menstrual pain.
Posture Method  Double blanket Bichhaaa, both on the front side Feet astride SIT. Turning first to both knees and both legs, pull the legs together MIX Tlven. Interlock fingers of both hands together, to make sure both hands and fingers with the Feet HOLD Straight as to keep the spine IS A Butterfly Sitting in the seat. Straighten your legs to bring him to the Arms and TRY to Tan Maximally Full body. This IS the initial position of the seat. Fill A Deep breath and breathe slowly while Removing the Forward spine bend from the waist and back muscles, Thus making the stretch. Please touch your forehead to the floor Goes to TRY. If this IS not possible, then your chin with the thumb of the Feet to make breathe normally. Go back to the initial position by filling breath come in the end. Practice this posture as often as possible.
Note :  If you are not injured knee posture so it Shouldnt.


BATI Skull Pranayama:     

Pranayama breathing on oxygen in the body and carrying it IS A Form of Abdominal Work to strengthen the muscles. It Reduces Abdominal fat and Improves Digestive power.
Asana Practice :  Cranial Bati keeping the spine erect posture Pranayama any Dyanatmk, or on the SIT CHAIR CHAIR. Effects of this Rapid breathing holes as possible out of the nose both Dice. The stomach also possible to narrow Inwards. Immediately thereafter Two of the holes the nose and pulls in breath and stomach as much as possible to come out with it. Repeat this 50 Times, gradually increasing power and needed to have 500 Times, but not more Than 50 Times A Sequence in. Order to Increase gradually. Less Than 5 minutes and maximum 30 minutes. Effects breathing in the beginning you will feel sore stomach muscles A bit around, do not Fret, it's Instantaneous and it IS Normal.  
Note :  If you are A or Cardiac Patient of Hypertension Mrjon hernia or are Struggling with it, do not posture.
Kunbcasn  : Kumbhakasana      
it even easier to do Asanas of yoga, it IS Considered One of the Most Influential Rugs. These are your Arms, shoulders, back, Pushtikaon, Strengthens Jngaon. And IS the best body posture for strong abs.  
Posture Method:        Lie flat on the stomach on the Mat. Now, keep your palms in front of your Face and legs that bend the toes are pushed to the Ground. Now to the arm and take their Pushtika Push Forward Air. Your Feet must touch the Ground as possible, and the neck loose Shouldnt BE. It IS Known also by the NAME of Drooped Swanasn. Effects reaching here, take in the strength of your breath and MOVE your Torso Down Arms, shoulders on your CHEST and so seemed the Ground Straightforward're stuck with them. Until then, keep the posture comfortable. To breathe and to come out of the posture and the body lying on the floor Relax.
Note :       If your back or shoulder Injury or if you suffer from blood HIGH PRESSURE, it IS not easy.
 This Asana IS A for Effective Time and who have very long for them to posture problems SIT. The Thyroid gland, parathyroid gland, Lungs and Abdominal organs, which Stimulates the Flow of blood to the HEAD IS and Face and Brighten the digestion Process improved and the level of Harmon remains in control.
Way to the posture :  Lie Down on the floor flat. Fold your knees so that your sole Arms to the side and touches the floor. Now slowly lift your Pushtika Feet. When Handling Placing your hands on the foot to support the body by Pushtika. SLOW Death Pushtika now moving to the back of your Feet by the HEAD to the toes, bend and TRY to take the floor. Keep Straight ahead position and the hands so that they are exposed to the floor. Go upstairs and breathe. lying in the bringing back legs to breathe currency return. Absolutely not come Down.
Note If you have liver, HIGH PRESSURE blood, suffers from Diarrhea problems, menstrual not so easy Running Injury or neck.
 Setubndhasn : Bandhasana      
This posture control but also gives PRESSURE IS not Just blood Peace and Digestive System Mental fixes. stretching of the neck and spine as well as the posture of Menstruation Symptoms rid draws.
Posture the Way :
LIE Down flat on the Mat. Now breathe out Wake up the legs. Take your body such as your neck and HEAD on the floor and the Rest of the body in the Air. For the more support you Arms Can Use. If you are stretching Can your fingers behind back for additional flexibility so elevated MOVE. Keeping your comfort Complete TRACK of the podium.
Note :       If your neck or back injuries, so it not easy.
 Blasn Children's currency Known Tnavmukti This posture INSTRUMENT IS very important. These Pushtika, IS stretching the thighs and Ankles. It Fuses and Fatigue Relieving stress. The Lower back pain from BE Sitting Too long in would also helpful.
Posture Method :  Sit on the floor and knees. Now GO to your Feet flat while Sitting on your heels. Create some Distance between the Two thighs. Breathe and bend from the waist and Down. Please squeeze your abs and back to STAND firm, Forward and stretch. Now, MOVE your Arms front to the back stretch. Your forehead resting on the floor in Can You Lachilapan BE provided much. Do not Force the body. With Time, you will Succeed in doing so.
Normal speed so since the Relaxation Postures breathe. More Than three minutes and at least Five-COUNT, Live in the currency.
Note :       If you are Pregnant or knee injuries or are suffering from Diarrhea, they do not posture.
Pranayama :
This posture of the relief and comfort to the BRAIN IS Route the best. Did you know that the only correct Way to breathe toxins out of your body could PERCENT Ninety? We Can Learn the correct breathing of newborns Way. Have you seen his abs Sighs comes up and Goes Down, Leaving? Breathing IS Primary Source of our energy. The Key to breathe correctly to IS A healthy and Happy Life.



Yoga Se hi Hoga , Karo yog Rahoge nirog