Saturday, February 28, 2015

Free Demo Yoga Classes on Sunday

Dear All,
You all are cordially invited for the participation of free yoga and meditation classes to be conducted by "YOG AVAM DHYAN KENDRA" located in opposite Badshahpur Police station. at Ansal Park.

Timings are : Morning 6 Am to 9 Am
Evening   5:PM to 7 PM

Contact Person : Yogacharya Aditya
Mob. +91-9971637671
email :

Friday, February 27, 2015

Roj Kare Yog, Rahoge Nirog.

Yogic Healing Of Mind, Body And Spirit

Feb 27 2015 : The Times of India (Delhi)
the speaking tree - Yogic Healing Of Mind, Body And Spirit
१. योगसह चित्त वृति निरोध: 
                     योग वह क्रिया है जिससे मन अर्थात चित्त की विकार को रोकता है; मन में उत्पन्न कोतूहल को रोकना ही योग है 

The practice of yoga was intuited, channelled, perfected and codified by our rishis and sages for the attainment of total health in body , mind, and spirit, so that the material human body may be a vehicle for spiritual awakening and enlightenment. The word `yoga' means `union'. Yoga is that which we become, that which unfolds and awakens when the body , mind, thoughts, motions and intentions are joined together.Today , joyfully, the practice of yoga is burgeoning throughout the world. Yet, there is rampant competition amongst styles, lineages and `brands' of yoga.`Which is the best?' is a common question. If there can be a `best' and therefore a `worst', it is not yoga. If there is competition, criticism, back-stabbing and cheating, it is not yoga. Yoga is cooperation. Yoga is togetherness. Yoga is a practice through which we connect to our own breath, bodies, minds and ultimately to our spirits. Then, in that divine, eighth limb of yoga as elucidated by Patanjali, we experience samadhi, the ultimate union of our spirit with the Supreme Spirit, our soul with the Supreme Soul. It is a union, verily, of us to each other and to the Universe.
Today the world needs yoga more than ever. However, we need it not only because we are more out-ofshape, obese and at risk for diabetes and heart disease than ever. All of that is true and yoga can be a fabulous panacea for nearly all that ails our physical body . Yet yoga has much more to offer. Today that which ails us ­ as individuals, communities, societies, religious groups and nations ­ is separation. The borders and boundaries between `me' and `you' and `us' and `them' are thicker and more i and `them' are thicker and more intractable than ever. Our personal frame of reference is narrowing each day .

२ . स्थिर सुखम् आसनम् : 
               स्थिर पूर्वक बैठकर सुख से  किया जाने वाला आसान ही योग है ध्यान रहे  योग करते समय अपने मन को शांत रखे/ योग करने के पूर्व मन को एकाग्रचित्त करने का प्रयास करे और हो सके तो योगासन करते समय अधिक बल ना लगाये /
भारत में ऋषि मुनि प्राचीन काल से योग करते रहे है

Our culture expounds `Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam', that the world is one family . However, today , most of us do not identify as members of the world family .Rather, we identify as members of a political party or a religious group, or a country club, or followers of a particular guru. The lines between us get thicker and thicker. That separation, that sense of `self ' versus `other' is what permits us to dehumanise each other so drastically that we can be complicit, directly or indirectly, in each other's suffering and death. That sep aration is also what leads to the increase of depression world wide. Depression is marked by feeling alone, disconnected, isolated from the world, feelings which, when taken to an extreme, permit us to even take our own lives without realising the pain our death will cause others.

योगस्थ: कुरु कर्माणि सङ्गं त्यक्त्वा धनंजय ।
सिद्ध्यसिद्ध्यो: समो भूत्वा समत्वं योग उच्यते ।।
(yoga-sthaḥ kuru karmani sanyugam tyaktvā dhananjay
siddhy-asiddhyoḥ samo bhutvā samatvam yoga ucyate)
Bhagavad Gita 2.48

Yoga is a solution. It is a solution to our abysmal physical health and skyrocketing medical bills. The postures and breathing exercises are unparalleled in their ability to restore wellness.Yoga is a solution to personal angst, depression and lack of meaning in our lives. As we connect with divine prana, we realise that we are being nourished by the Universe, and inextricably linked to the web of Life. Yoga is also a solution to that which ails our planet. When we realise our interconnectedness, then we stand up and change our attitude and our actions into ones that protect that global family as ardently as we'd protect our own nuclear family .
The challenge is ours: to co-opt yoga into yet another way to compete with each other and separate ourselves from each other, or to use it in its fullest meaning, bringing health to ourselves, our communities and our world. The International Yoga Festival is being held at Parmarth Niketan, Rishikesh, March 1-7. For details, visit
Follow Swami Chidanand Saraswati at

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Yoga: Art of Self Concentration

Yoga: Art of Self Concentration

What is Yoga?

Yoga PosesYoga is a Sanskrit word which defines a majestic art which maintains physical, mental as well as spiritual discipline of our body. Through the practices of Yoga, we discover that concern for the happiness and well being of others, including animals, must be an essential part of our own quest for happiness and well being. The fork can be a powerful weapon of mass destruction or a tool to create peace on Earth.
It is a very famous saying by B.K.S Iyegnar Yoga teaches us to cure what needs to be endured and endure what needs to be cured. Yoga is the art of seeking and discovering the universal reality by following a set of physical and mental exercises. This truth is revealed when there is complete harmony and peace between body, mind and spirit. In Sanskrit, the word Yoga is derived from 'yog' which means yoke or to join. More contemporary rewards of Yoga are accomplishing physical beauty, youth and vitality that makes it so popular.
The primary goal of this majestic art, Yoga, is to attain a state of perfect spiritual inside and perfection which requires mediating on our super soul. The goals of Yoga are varied and it ranges from improvement of health till the achievement of Moksha. If we talk about the goals of Yoga according to the concept of the Hindu Monist schools like Advaita Vedanta, Shaivism and Jainism, Yoga is primarily performed to attain Moksha which is liberation from all types of sufferings of this world in between the cycle of birth and death.

Yoga - Its Significances

Yoga is performed by practicing its various Asanas which have been developed over more than 1500 years. These Asanas of Yoga have come into existence with the primary aim of promoting our physical, mental as well as spiritual development. Each Asana is particularly designed to focus on only specific areas of the body. The special effects of Asana include:
  • Building strength in specific muscle groups
  • Stretching specific soft tissues including muscles, ligament and tendons
  • Opening specific joints
  • Developing balance and concentration
  • Massaging and stimulating internal organs
These special effects can have individual significant benefits, but by combine individual Asana into a carefully developed and balanced routine e.g. the Hatha Yoga practitioner can develop their entire physical body, internal organ function and mental clarity.

Yoga - Its importance in the Modern society:

In the present modern scenario, Yoga is very essential to be performed because technology has given rise to certain new types of physical ailments such as nervous, tension, stress, insomnia, different types of allergies, mental illness such as constant cravings, mental instability and so on. So now we have reached the stage where, we have to make the use of our higher life forces to get rid of these maladies, otherwise, the future of man and society will be in jeopardy. It has already been proved that Yoga has got power to prevent and cure most of the diseases without medicine. So, Yoga is the primary requirement to adopt with today's lifestyle.

Benefits of Yoga in our life:

Yoga has several benefits like on physical level, Yoga helps in curing of psychosomatic diseases, non-infectious physical diseases. Yoga help us in developing a beautiful, all buoyant and healthy body. On the mental level- it can improve the powers of memory, concentration, logical thinking and creativity. On the behavioral level- it cures bad habits and addictions. On the spiritual level-it helps in achieving self purification. In Yoga, the man goes transcendental and experiences bliss which refreshes him thoroughly. In the advanced stage of Yoga, one attains direct perception of the self-realization.

Yoga - Discover Its Types:

Yoga is of basically eight types. The majority of them engage the use of different Asana & Pranayams, which are meditation and breathing exercises. Here we shall discuss few of the well-known types of yoga, their methods and their benefits on the health:
  • Bhakti Yoga: The Bhakti Yoga is dedicated on the devotion and love to the God. This Yoga is primarily performed to realize the existence of the Almighty power in the universe.
  • Hatha Yoga: The Hatha Yoga was discovered by a very profound Yogi Swatmarama who belongs to India. The practice includes presentation of postures, exercises related to breathing, meditation, and cleansing actions such as Shatkriyas.
  • Jnana Yoga: The Jnana Yoga aimed towards separating the person from all the lavish facilities of the life .The person who performs this Yoga achieves calm, satisfaction of brain, confidence, aptitude for attentiveness and the staying power to survive.
  • Karma Yoga:The Karma Yoga is based on the devotion of all elements or karmas and their fruits to the Almighty. This Yoga helps in internal purification to discover our inner potential. This Yoga is designed to provide selfless service to the needy and poor people.
  • Astanga: The Power Yoga: The Astanga also known as Power Yoga was developed by a renowned yogi K.Pattabhi Jois. This Yoga primarily focuses on performing the poses in a certain order at a fast pace. Since, it is practiced at a fast rate; it requires a lot of endurance.
  • Birkram: The Hot Yoga: This Yoga was developed by Bikram Choudary and it gains its reputation of being the Hot Yoga. It is called so, because it requires 26 poses to be performed at a very high temperature of 95 degrees as according to Bikram, practicing at high temperature helps our muscles to loosen and it also helps in sweating which is a very important method of cleaning toxins from our body.
Whatever we choose, Yoga is a pleasing form of exercise and fitness for many people, as it holds many physical as well as mental benefits.
Lets have a look at some famous books on Yoga which are written by very profound literate to explore its important techniques and principles.

Yoga Poses/ Yoga Positions / Yoga Asana

Yoga is always considered as the most influential way of maintaining good health along with spiritual advancement. Yoga is practised in various poses and most of the poses are easy to learn and they also help in maintaining physical as well as spiritual growth.

Lets have a look at some Carmon poses of Yoga:
  • Shoulder stand: This is a very common pose of yoga which is practiced for rejuvenation of all body parts including loss of body weight also.
  • Bow pose: The bow pose of Yoga is practiced to produce excessive heat from the body which in turn helps in burning of extra body fat thus maintaining a healthy body.
  • Tree pose: The Tree pose is very easy to be learnt but it should be learnt with a clear mind. This pose helps in maintaining the strength of legs as well as the balance of our body.
  • Forward Bend: This pose is basically based on the spine and by practicing this pose, one can easily maintain the regulation of his/ her kidneys.
  • Sun Salutations: This Yoga is performed to warm up our entire body and this pose also helps in maintaining the flexibility of our body.
Hence, these are some of the most common poses of Yoga which you can perform by yourself to maintain your physical as well as mental development. Apart, from these poses, you may can also consider the following books to learn more about Yoga and its poses. Have a look at the below mentioned books to enhance your knowledge about Yoga.

Yoga: Explore some famous books

  • Light on Yoga: This book is written by B.K.S Iyegnar who is a profound literate of this art and he uses magical words to explain every principle of Yoga to its readers to help them achieve a better spiritual, mental and emotional state of being.
  • Yoga Anatomy: This is a very popular book on Yoga written by Leslie Kaminoff which provides step by step instruction on the various poses that we can perform when practicing Yoga. The principles of Yoga are well defined to help you not only to learn Yoga, but it also helps you to explore the deeper meaning of each exercises.
  • The Key muscles of Yoga: This book is written by Ray Long, and it aims to show the most important muscles that are affected by yoga and the ways in which that helps your body overall. It allows you to really get an anatomical sense of how yoga is benefiting you as well as to see it all through color and three-dimensional photos that can help you understand just how it is affecting your overall person.
  • The Subtle Story: This book is written Cyndi Dale. This Book produces an anatomy for all the unseen factors such as our spirit and mind, and shows the ways in which healing can affect these parts of your body. The unseen fields hinge upon the physical condition but can be affected and bettered with various breathing methods and exercises so that you get a really deep kind of therapy in your life.
Apparently, at the end, many people have experienced how yoga has improved their lives. With all the different styles and types of Yoga, each individual can surely settle on a practice that will meet their physical needs. In short, for betterment of your lives and to achieve the utmost pleasure, do Yoga regularly.

What is Hot Yoga or Bikram Yoga?

What is Hot Yoga

Increasing popularity of hot yoga: Basic tips, benefits and myths

Hot yoga or more popularly Bikram yoga is getting very popular around the world and particularly in the US. It was invented by Bikram Chaudhary in the decade of 70s. Less precisely this is any yoga class done in a heated room and room is usually done at a temperature of 95-100 degrees Fahrenheit. An intense yoga session at high temperature causes profuse sweating and makes the body very warm. Though, some parts of this yoga are in themselves calorie-burning and helps in muscle-building but it is more an individual choice.

Bikram Yoga

This method of hot yoga is a series of 26 yoga postures that comprises two breathing exercises. They are performed twice during the 90-minute session. Bikram Choudhury, born in Calcutta, established Yoga College of India in Beverly Hills. He and his wife Rajashree were both yoga Gurus

Tips for Hot Yoga -for beginners

You should have your own yoga mat as you will be profusely sweating. This is precisely students tend to wear less clothes during the session.
Drink sufficient water so that you don't get dehydrated. Don't eat anything 2-hours before the class.
  • If you do yoga from Bikram method, studio should be certified to teach Bikram Yoga.
  • Pregnant women should avoid doing hot yoga.
  • Bring a bottled water, towel for face
  • You can wear regular yoga clothes.
  • What happens in the hot yoga session?
The moment you enter the class temperature suddenly changes and this sudden change will shock your system. Few people don't prefer wearing clothes so don't get surprised if you cross half naked men in the classroom. Be prepared for immense sweat during the session. You can wipe out your faces in between the session.

Logic behind Bikram Yoga

The heated studio makes your body more flexible. The postures and asanas stimulate and restore health to muscles and joints. It is a fact that most of the people don't use full capacity of lungs and hot yoga session helps you realize full potential of lungs. Thus you take more oxygen and exhale more carbon di oxide. This improves blood circulation resulting in improvement in cardiovascular activity. Extension and compression of lungs work simultaneously in order to inject fresh blood to every joint and organ. The pumping of excess, fresh blood is called extension.

Benefits of hot yoga

Hot yoga warms and stretches muscles, ligaments, and tendons .It detoxifies body by releasing toxins. This reduces stress and improves circulation of blood in the body. The profuse sweating results in loss of weight and strengthens muscles. It helps a lot in chronic diseases diabetes, thyroid and arthritis. It prevents body from injuries. Bikram had suffered a knee injury while training for weightlifting. He was told by doctors that he would never walk again .After that Bikram started practicing his Yoga practice it allowed him to rebuild his muscle and walk again.

Controversies surrounding Bikram Yoga (hot yoga)

Medical experts are of the view that excess strain exerted on muscles in hot environment increases danger of muscle or ligament stretched beyond biological limit causing damage. But there is other side of coin also. Many scholars of yoga explain that the demand for energy in heated environment stimulates metabolic processes and slows down other processes. They opine that Yoga should be practiced in optimum & comfortable conditions. Explaining further they say, Yoga is all about relaxation and it is not stressful exercise. In hot yoga the heart rate, respiration rate and blood pressure increases and this can be dangerous. They emphasisze that Yoga should be done on the line of methods prescribed by Patanjali. The relaxed body results in lowering of respiration rate, blood pressure and normal heart rate which in turn lowers the metabolic rate. As per experts, "The in Bikram's 26 poses, especially the Hero and Camel poses, may cause damage to lower back, groin, knees and ankles." On the other hand there are yoga scholars who talk about the many fold advantages of hot Yoga refuting claims against hot yoga.
However to be on a safer side it's best to consult a physician before taking up any work out regime -including hot yoga.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

EXCLUSIVE Is Reliance offering 10-year interest-free loan for buying insurance? - Moneylife

EXCLUSIVE Is Reliance offering 10-year interest-free loan for buying insurance? - Moneylife
Moneylife » Personal Finance » Insurance » Is Reliance offering 10-year interest-free loan for buying insurance?
Is Reliance offering 10-year interest-free loan for buying insurance?
RAJ PRADHAN | 02/07/2013 06:01 PM |   
Customers have got fraudulent calls offering a Rs10 lakh interest-free loan from Reliance Capital when you buy Reliance Life Money Multiplier policy of Rs1 lakh premium

Fraudulent callers from Reliance Life are offering Reliance Capital’s interest-free loan of Rs10 lakh for 10 years if you pay a yearly premium of Rs1 lakh for its Money Multiplierinsurance product. You may wonder how Reliance Life can make such a fantastic offer without any collateral. After all, you can just vanish after getting the loan and not pay the remaining nine premiums. Before you plan to get away after quick riches, the truth is that the dubious callers will disappear without giving you any loan once they stick you with an insurance policy of a trivial value.
Moneylife has spoken with these shady characters few times on the phone (011-65981239/011-65695595). The callers guided us to page nine of the Money Multiplier brochure. It says that the loan works out to 80% of the surrender value. Anyone familiar with the surrender value knows that it is usually pathetic and paying just one premium means the surrender value is zero. The caller is looking for a gullible person to take for a ride. The pitch is, “Reliance Capital interprets surrender value as maturity value of the product”. This is the crux of deceit and if you bite the bait, you will be lured into making a dud investment.
The caller promises that the Money Multiplier policy will give guaranteed Rs22 lakh on maturity after 10 years, but only Rs1.2 lakh will be returned to policyholder. It justifies what the brochure mentions about loan given at 9% p.a. interest rate. It signifies that Reliance Capital makes money on the loan. The justification for loan is that “to be on safer side for Reliance Capital, it is offering a loan of nearly 50% instead of 80% of the maturity value”. The caller says that the policy bond will be kept as collateral with Reliance Capital. It is to create an impression that the policy bond is of significant value even though it is worthless if you end up paying just one premium.
The callers, who are based in New Delhi and give their address as 13th floor, Lalit Towers, Connaught Place, seem to have answers to all the doubts. They assure that the Reliance Capital loan will be processed within one month of the policy issuance. To make you comfortable they offer a 45-day free-look period even though page ten of the brochure clearly states that there will be only a 15 day free-look period. It’s just fraudulent sales tactics to offer something more than what the brochure clearly states.
If you still wonder what action they will take in case you disappear after getting the loan, their quick reply is to bring Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA) into the picture by claiming that IRDA’s recovery department will help in case the policyholder does not pay after first premium!
In reality, IRDA does not have any recovery department. The callers say that your credit score will be affected and any future loan will be difficult as the RBI (Reserve Bank of India) will also be reported. They claim that Reliance Capital does not have to worry about it. They are correct with their assessment. Reliance Capital is free of any liability because it does not give you the loan promised by these ludicrous callers.
It is time IRDA gets tough with these fraud calls. There are susceptible customers who fall prey with brand names of big corporates. Will they get justice?
Here is Reliance Life’s official reply:
The instances of “offering Rs10 lakh insurance loan from Reliance Capital offers” are made by spurious callers, a menace faced by the industry, and not part of any mis-selling. The industry has sought help from the EOW and we, as Reliance, have also filed over 170 FIRs against these spurious callers - wherever the customer/victim/complainant has agreed to help us. Please share all the numbers that you have, with a written formal complaint (which is needed to lodge FIRs), to us so that our legal teams can lodge relevant FIRs against these spurious callers. A formal complaint, giving details of the complainant, is mandatory for filing FIRs. Please also inform your readers about the same and guide them that they can write to us at "”, in case they get any such false offers.
In the second part, we will give a specific case of someone who actually purchased Reliance Life Money Multiplier with the expectation of getting a loan. Watch out for the story tomorrow.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Best Yoga and Meditation Books

Image result for yoga and meditation booksThey woulImage result for b k s iyengar books

Yogi Bare: Naked Truth by Philip Self
Yoga from the Inside Out by Christina Sell

Wherever You Go, There You Are by Jon Kabat-Zinn
Peace Is Every Step by Thich Nhat Hanh
Faith by Sharon Salzberg

Image result for b k s iyengar books

What's Your Dosha Baby? by Lisa Marie Coffey
Yoga and Ayurveda by Dr. David Frawley
Image result for b k s iyengar books
Ayurveda for Women by Maya Tiwari
Bringing Yoga to Life by Donna Farhi
Eastern Body Western Mind by Anodea Judith
Hatha Yoga Practice
Light on Yoga by BKS Iyengar
Jivamukti Yoga by Shannon Gannon and David Life
Yoga for Wellness by Gary Kraftsow
Yoga: The Iyengar Way by Silva, Mira, and Shyam Mehta
The Language of Yoga by Nicolai Bachman
Pranayama and Breath:
Light on Pranayama by B.K.S. Iyengar
Teaching Skills
Yoga History:
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali by Swami Satchitananda
The Secret Power of Yoga by Nischala Joy Devi
Hatha Yoga Pradipika by Swami Swatmarama
Yoga Anatomy by Leslie Kaminoff
Anatomy of Movement by Blandine Calais-Germain
The Anatomy Coloring Book by Kapit & Elson
The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho
Awakening the Buddha Within by Lama Surya Das
Shantaram by Gregory David Roberts
Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse
The Soul of Rumi by Coleman Barks
The Gift by Hafiz
Sweat Your Prayers by Gabrielle Roth
The Essential Rumi, New Expanded Edition by Jalal al-Din Rumi
Omnivore’s Dilemma by Michael Polland
Radical Healing by Rudolph Ballentine
If the Buddha Came to Dinner by Sofia Hale Schatz
Creating Health by Deepak Chopra
Food & You by Sari Harrar and Barbara Loecher
Healing with Whole Foods by Paul Pitchford
Food and Healing by Annemarie Colbin
- See more at:

Popular Yoga Meditation Books

(showing 1-50 of 292)
Light on YogaLight on Yoga (Paperback)
by (shelved 8 times as yoga-meditation)
avg rating 4.32 — 8,496 ratings — published 1966
The Bhagavad GitaThe Bhagavad Gita (Paperback)
by (shelved 5 times as yoga-meditation)
avg rating 4.05 — 52,433 ratings — published -500
Light on LifeLight on Life (Paperback)
by (shelved 4 times as yoga-meditation)
avg rating 4.37 — 2,384 ratings — published 2005
Yoga AnatomyYoga Anatomy (Paperback)
by (shelved 3 times as yoga-meditation)
avg rating 4.17 — 4,835 ratings — published 2007
Tao Te ChingTao Te Ching (Paperback)
by (shelved 3 times as yoga-meditation)
avg rating 4.27 — 39,100 ratings — published -500
Real Happiness: The Power of Meditation Real Happiness: The Power of Meditation (Paperback)
by (shelved 2 times as yoga-meditation)
avg rating 4.14 — 3,386 ratings — published 2010
Be Here NowBe Here Now (Paperback)
by (shelved 2 times as yoga-meditation)
avg rating 4.25 — 24,426 ratings — published 1971

Yoga Se hi Hoga , Karo yog Rahoge nirog